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<h1>CURRICULUM VITÆ</h1> <p style="text-align: center;">jovanovic at history dot ucla dot edu</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><a href="cv/cv.pdf">download CV as pdf</a> </p> <h2>Research interests</h2> <p><em>urban history, materiality, visual methods, capitalism, socialism, Eastern Europe, Habsburg empire, Ottoman empire, Balkans</em></p> <h2>Education</h2> <p><strong>2016</strong> <strong>Ph.D. in History</strong><br /> <em>University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign</em><br /> Urbana, IL (USA)</p> <p><strong>2008</strong> <strong>M.A. in History</strong><br /> <em>Central European University</em><br /> Budapest (Hungary)</p> <p><strong>2007</strong> <strong>B.A. in History and International Affairs</strong><br /> <em>Lafayette College</em><br /> Easton, PA (USA)</p> <h2>Professional Experience</h2> <p><strong>2019-</strong> <strong>Assistant Professor of History</strong><br /> <em>University of California, Los Angeles</em><br /> Los Angeles, CA </p> <p><strong>2016-19</strong> <strong>Research Associate, Empires of Memory MPI Research Group</strong><br /> <em>Max Planck Institute for the Study of Ethnic and Religious Diversity</em><br /> Göttingen </p> <p><strong>2015-16</strong> <strong>Instructor (Urban History)</strong><br /> <em>University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign</em><br /> Urbana, IL </p> <p><strong>2011-12</strong> <strong>Instructor (Global Studies)</strong><br /> <em>University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign</em><br /> Urbana, IL </p> <p><strong>2010-12</strong> <strong>Teaching Assistant (Western Civilization)</strong><br /> <em>University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign</em><br /> Urbana, IL </p> <h2>Publications</h2> <p><strong>2020</strong></p> <p>"Laudon's Garden: Habsburg Legacy and the Warped Space of Empire"<br /> <em>History of the Present</em><br /> Vol. 10, Issue 1, forthcoming</p> <p><strong>2020</strong></p> <p>"Introduction to the Special Section Empire Off-Center (co-authored with Giulia Carabelli)"<br /> <em>History of the Present</em><br /> Vol. 10, Issue 1, forthcoming</p> <p><strong>2020</strong></p> <p>"Sharpening the Haze: Visual Essays on Imperial History and Memory"<br /> <em>London: Ubiquity Press</em><br /> co-edited with Giulia Carabelli, Annika Kirbis and Jeremy F. Walton</p> <p><strong>2019</strong></p> <p>"Whitewashed Empire: Historical Narrative and Place Marketing in Vienna"<br /> <em>History &amp; Anthropology</em><br /> Vol. 30, No . 4, pp. 460-476</p> <p><strong>2018</strong></p> <p>"Bourgeois Worlds and Urban Nightmares: The post-Ottoman Balkan City through the Lens of Milutin Uskoković's Newcomers"<br /> <em>Urban Cultural Studies</em><br /> No. 5 Vol. 2, pp. 187-206</p> <p><strong>2013</strong></p> <p>"The City in Our Hands: Urban Management and Contested Modernity in Nineteenth Century Belgrade"<br /> <em>Urban History</em><br /> Vol. 40 No. 1 pp. 32-50</p> <p><strong>2009</strong></p> <p>"Taming the Tavern: Social Space and Government Regulation in 19th Century Belgrade"<br /> <em>Godišnjak za društvenu istoriju - Annual for Social History</em><br /> Year XVI Vol. 3 pp. 57-68</p> <h2>Awards, Grants and Fellowships</h2> <p><strong>2015</strong> Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities<br /> Graduate Fellow </p> <p><strong>2013</strong> Social Science Research Council<br /> International Dissertation Research Fellowship </p> <p><strong>2013</strong> American Research Center in Sofia<br /> Research Fellow </p> <p><strong>2012</strong> University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign<br /> Mary Jane Luecker Graduate Fellow </p> <p><strong>2010</strong> University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign<br /> Summer Dissertation Proposal Grant </p> <p><strong>2008</strong> European University Institute<br /> Marc Bloch Prize in Early Modern and Modern European History </p> <p><strong>2008</strong> Central European University<br /> Academic Pro-Rectors Excellence Award </p> <h2>Presentations and Lectures</h2> <p><strong>2019</strong> Waterfront: a post-Ottoman post-socialist story<br /> Screening and discussion, Institute of Geography and Sustainability, University of Lausanne </p> <p><strong>2019</strong> Waterfront: a post-Ottoman post-socialist story<br /> Screening and Roundtable, Center for Policy Studies and CEU Yugo-Region Research Group, Central European University, Budapest </p> <p><strong>2019</strong> Refractive Nostalgia: Ottoman Urban Space and Memory in Belgrade and Sofia, 1850-1939<br /> Liberalism and its Critics Workshop, Lichtenberg Kolleg, Göttingen </p> <p><strong>2018</strong> The History of Property &amp; Housing in Belgrade and Sofia<br /> Urbanize! Conference, dérive - Zeitschrift für Stadtforschung, Berlin </p> <p><strong>2018</strong> Nostalgic Refractions: Photography, Image and Memory in the post-Ottoman Balkan City<br /> European Association for Urban History Conference, Rome </p> <p><strong>2017</strong> Bourgeois World-Building in the Balkan City<br /> Urban World-Making Conference, ASCA City Project, University of Amsterdam </p> <p><strong>2017</strong> Whitewashed Empire: Historical Narrative and Place Marketing in Vienna<br /> Association for the Study of Nationalities Conference, New York </p> <p><strong>2016</strong> Excavating the archive: Non-normative histories and heterodox linkages in the Balkan city<br /> Thinking Gender and Sexuality After Empire and Socialism Workshop, MPI Göttingen </p> <p><strong>2015</strong> Cities of Dust and Mud: Loss and Dispossession in Belgrade and Sofia (1830-1912)<br /> Places of Amnesia, CRASSH, University of Cambridge </p> <p><strong>2015</strong> Modernizing Belgrade and Sofia: The Experience of Reconstruction in the Balkans (1830-1912)<br /> Institut d'ethnologie méditerranéenne, européenne et comparative. Aix-en-Provence </p> <p><strong>2012</strong> Empire, military and modern urbanism in Habsburg Sarajevo and Russian Sofia (1878-9)<br /> European Association for Urban History Conference, Prague </p> <p><strong>2012</strong> The lifeworlds of masons and butchers in the City Beautiful<br /> European Society for the History of Human Sciences Conference, Belgrade </p> <p><strong>2011</strong> The Military City: Emergence of modern urbanism in Sarajevo and Sofia, 1878-79<br /> Midwest Historians of East Central Europe Workshop </p> <p><strong>2008</strong> Urban Reconstruction in Late Ottoman Belgrade: De-Ottomanization and Questioning Cosmopolitanism<br /> Living Together: Plurality and Cosmopolitanism in the Ottoman Empire and Beyond Summer Academy, Istanbul </p> <h2>Community Activities</h2> <p><strong>2014</strong></p> <p>Urban Agriculture and Political Ecology -- A Historical Perspective<br /> Petnica Science Center, Valjevo </p> <p><strong>2013</strong></p> <p>Urban and/or Bourgeois History? The Study of Balkan City Life as Critique<br /> Social Center Haspel, Sofia </p> <p><strong>2012</strong></p> <p>Intro to Urban Studies - Weeklong public course employing self-education and critical pedagogy methods<br /> Kabinet Social Center, Belgrade </p> <p><strong>2011</strong></p> <p>Belgrade Chronicle Television Interview by Nataša Ristić<br /> Radio Television of Serbia, Channel 1 </p> <p><strong>2011</strong></p> <p>Teheran in My Vehicle: Historical Memory, Urban Development and Socially-Responsible Public Transportation<br /> Mikser Public Festival, Belgrade </p> <p><strong>2011</strong></p> <p>Open Urbanism Manifesto, author<br /> Imamo Plan activist group, Belgrade </p> <h2>Languages</h2> <p>Bosnian-Serbian-Croatian-Montenegrin <em>native</em></p> <p>Bulgarian <em>fluent</em></p> <p>German <em>research</em></p> <p>Spanish <em>research</em></p> <p>Italian <em>research</em></p> <p>Russian <em>can read with dictionary</em></p> <p>Turkish <em>can read with dictionary</em></p>